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24-25 CJH After School Clubs & Activities

Click here for Club Description Slide Show



Band Club  ~  Room 102  ~  Mrs. Smith


Builders Club  ~  Room 118  ~  Mrs. Davis


GSA  ~  Room 115  ~  Ms. Johnson


United Cultures Club  ~  Room 112  ~  Mrs. Gomez


Math Study Club  ~  Room 228  ~  Mrs. Stevens


Study Club  ~  Library  ~  Mr. Shaw






Anime Club  ~  Room 221  ~ Mrs. Francis


Coding Club  ~  Room 105  ~  Mrs. Mezera Juarez


Dungeons & Dragons  ~  Room 117  ~ Mr. Klein


Study Club  ~  Library  ~  Mr. Shaw






Band Club  ~  Room 102  ~  Mrs. Smith


BSU  ~  Room 228  ~  Mrs. Stevens


Chess Club  ~  Room 114  ~  Mrs. Viafore


Crochet Club  ~  Room 119  ~  Mrs. Juarez


Gaming Club  ~  Room 215  ~  Ms. Erskine


NJROTC Club  ~  CHS Room 467  ~  Mr. Schapler


Math Help  ~  Room 219  ~  Mrs. Lovell


Study Club  ~  Library  ~  Mr. Shaw





Students must be in their Club/Activity Classroom by 2:10pm.

Clubs & Activities end by 3:00pm.



Activity Buses  ~  Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

If your student regularly rides the bus, they may ride our Activity Buses home at 3:10. 

Students need to ask their advisor for a bus pass or get one from

the staff member in the Commons after their club/activity. 

The student will show their pass to the bus driver and tell them their home address.

Students must be in the building & participating in a supervised activity or club at all times.



Students may NOT leave the building early

& return for an Activity Bus Pass.